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About the Journal
Journal of Health and Therapy [2808-7747] publishes manuscripts with a basic and applied emphasis, involving both theoretical and experimental areas contributing to the advancement of health and therapy. Papers including psychotherapy, behavior therapy, cognitive therapies, pediatric physiotherapy, geriatric physiotherapy, cardiovascular and pulmonary physiotherapy, musculoskeletal physiotherapy, sports physiotherapy, behavioral medicine, community mental health, sexual health, child development, clinical nutrition, community nutrition, institutional nutrition, food technology, food security, public health, community sanitation, environmental health, nursing, midwifery, biology, medicine, pharmacy, etc.
The Journal publishes Original Articles, Review Articles, Brief Reports, and Case Reports.
The manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Health and Therapy should not have been previously published, and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Current Issue
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Health and Therapy
Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi pada OA Genu Bilateral: A Case Report
Abstract View: 193,
PDF Download: 170
Penerapan Teknik Skimming dalam Reading Test TOEFL Mahasiswa Ortotik Prostetik Poltekkes Surakarta
Abstract View: 139,
PDF Download: 87
Efektivitas Mobilisasi Saraf Nervus Ischiadicus pada Kasus Ischialgia Et Causa Sindroma Piriformis Setelah Diberikan Terapi Standar
Abstract View: 431,
PDF Download: 387
The Effect of Kinesio Taping and Deep Transverse Friction on Reducing Carpal tunnel syndrome Pain in Cigarette Factory Workers
Abstract View: 175,
PDF Download: 126